Call for Paper 2: Special Issue on Experimental Philosophy

Let me remind you that the European Review of Philosophy is editing a special issue on psychology and experimental philosophy (editors: Joshua Knobe, Tania Lombrozo and myself). Our guest authors are D. Osherson (Princeton), Sean Kelly (Harvard), and John Darley and Geoffrey Goodwin (Princeton). The deadline is September 1, 2008 and more …

SPP 2008

Announcing the 34th annual meeting of the Society forPhilosophy and PsychologyJune 26-29, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PARegistration is now open; deadline Thursday, June 5 —12:00pm ESTNote that early registration is suggested, as the reservedhotel block is likely to fill quickly. 2008 conference will feature presentations by:George Ainslie, Michael L. Anderson, …

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