I am very excited to announce that in addition to the symposia on papers from Mind & Language that we have hosted since 2013, beginning in the coming months the Brains blog will host regular symposia on papers from Ergo and Neuroethics:
The Ergo symposia, which will be organized by students in the graduate department of philosophy at the University of Toronto, will target all papers on topics in the philosophy of mind that are published in Ergo, an open access journal that publishes papers in all areas of philosophy. The first symposium, on “The Logic of Mind-Body Identification” by Bernard Molyneux (UC Davis), with commentaries by István Aranyosi, Liz Irvine, and Jonathan Simon, is being organized by Elliot Carter. It will be held in late April or early May. (A draft of the target article is available here, and we’ll provide a link to the published article when it is available.) We are grateful to Ergo‘s editors, Franz Huber and Jonathan Weisberg, for their support of these symposia.
The Neuroethics symposia, which will be organized by Katrina Sifferd (Elmhurst College), will target one paper from each issue of the journal, which is published three times a year in April, August, and December. The first symposium, on “Moral Enhancement: Do Means Matter Morally?” by Farah Focquaert (Ghent) and Maartje Schermer (Erasmus MC Rotterdam), will be held in August. (The target article is available here as an Online First publication, and will be available as an open access article during the symposium.) We are grateful to Neil Levy, editor of Neuroethics, and Springer Publishing for supporting these symposia.
Finally, it’s a real pleasure to welcome Katrina Sifferd as a new Contributing Editor at Brains. Be sure to check our calendar and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep abreast of these and other upcoming events.