Toni Gomila edited the most recent issue of Argentinian journal Análisis filosófico that has been just put online. It is focused on Peter Carruthers work on the archicture of mind, including also my paper on modularity, where I defend a non-weak, or even robust version of it. Though in many places modularity in philosophy of biology and modularity in cognitive sciences is kept as two distinct issues (it shows, for example, in PhilPapers, and not without reason), I think that in their core they should be analyzed together. And the reason is not only that cognitive modules develop in biological creatures, as you might argue that an artificial mind could have nothing to do with biological architecture of cognitive systems. The reason is that the overall structure of both systems should be analyzed, as I think, in terms of Herb Simon’s near decomposable systems.
You can also find other nice papers, for example by Paco Calvo, who’s become an expert in insect mentality and plant (almost) neural processes. The best thing is that the whole issue (and other issues, mostly in Spanish) is available in open access if you access it electronically. I didn’t know that when I submitted my paper but I’m really glad.
Nice. But why would they publish some of the papers in Spanish? What a waste.