It is my pleasure to introduce Neil Levy as the current Featured Scholar at the Brains blog, where he’ll contribute a series of posts over this week and the next.
Neil is a Futures Fellow of the Australian Research Council. He is based in the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Melbourne as well as the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, and has published very widely in many areas of philosophy, especially concerning the philosophy and science of freedom, self-control, and moral responsibility. He is also the main editor of the journal Neuroethics, which as we announced recently will be partnering with the Brains blog beginning this summer in a series of symposia on targeted articles from their pages.
Neil’s most recent published work, in Consciousness and Moral Responsibility (Oxford University Press, 2014) and “Consciousness, Implicit Attitudes and Moral Responsibility” (Noûs 48 (1), March 2014), has concerned the relevance of consciousness to moral responsibility, drawing on considerations from philosophy and moral psychology as well as scientific work on consciousness. He is also the editor of Addiction and Self-Control: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience (Oxford University Press, 2014), and one of his several current projects concerns the nature of self-control and of pathologies of agency.
We’re very grateful to Neil for taking the time to blog at Brains, and are looking forward to his contributions. Welcome, Neil!