We are please to share another online conference about the philosophy and science of mind. The Cognitive Science Society’s 42nd Annual CogSci 2020 will be online July 29 to August 1. Program, registration, and other information are below.
Register by Sunday, July 26th to ensure access when the virtual congress opens. Registering after this time may result in access delays.
- Members: $80
- Student or retired: $40
- Non-member: $200
Nota bene: “this year we are offering free membership. A Pandemic Financial Hardship Registration Fee Waiver is also available for CSS members in need, please click here to fill in the application.”
The Virtual Meeting will feature Regular talks (15 minute talk) as well as Posters (5 minute talk accompanying poster). Talks and posters will be streamed in real-time with live Q&A where possible. You will also be able to watch talks on demand and continue to ask questions and receive replies later to accommodate different time zones.
Real-time streaming of events will occur 9:00am to 4:00pm EDT. You can convert this to your local time below or at timeanddate.com.
EDT (Toronto) | PST | BST | CET |
Start: 9:00am End: 4:00pm | Start: 6:00am End: 1:00pm | Start: 2:00pm End: 9:00pm | Start: 3:00pm End: 10:00pm |
Find the full program of events at cognitivesciencesociety.org/program/ or below. A searchable program is here and an at-a-glance program is here.

Many thanks to organizers Stephanie Denison (University of Waterloo), Michael Mack (University of Toronto), Yang Xu (University of Toronto), and Blair Armstrong (University of Toronto).