Computation in Cognitive Science Conference

Tomorrow I’m leaving for two weeks in the UK.  Among other things, I’ll be at a conference on Computation in Cognitive Science at King’s College, Cambridge.  My paper for the conference (co-authored with Andrea Scarantino) is entitled “Computation vs. Information Processing: How They Are Different and Why It Matters.”  It has just …

Paul Churchland’s Neurophilosophy

Paul Churchland, Neurophilosophy at Work, CUP, 2007.I just finished Paul Churchland’s latest book, a collection of essays published by him during the last 10 years.  They cover many topics: how to give a neurobiological account of consciousness, why functionalism is wrong, why (non-classical) connectionism is the way to go, how to …

Paul Bloom on the Psychology of Philosophy

Thanks for the interesting comments on my post on the psychology of philosophy, in which I asked whether some philosophers’ resistance to naturalism might be due to extra-rational psychological factors.In addition to those who posted, Blake Myers emailed me pointing out that much of Paul Bloom’s work (the Yale psychologist) …

Towards a Psychology of Philosophy?

Some time ago, I wanted to write a post calling for a “psychology of philosophy”.  In my mind, this would be the study of extra-rational factors that influence philosophers’ beliefs.A question that I find particularly interesting is, do attitudes about science, such as naturalism vs. anti-naturalism, correlate with levels of …

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