How Do You Define Connectionism, and How Do You Relate Connectionism to Associationism?

Some people, usually classicists, stress assimilate connectionism to associationism.  They do have a point:  “connectionism” was historically introduced and popularized by authors, such as Thorndike and Hebb, who were closely linked to associationism.  But as I explain in a recent review article  it seems to me that the assimilation of connectionism to …

Challenging Neuroscience to Explain Cognition

C, R, Gallistel and A. P. King, Memory and the Computational Brain: Why Cognitive Science Will Transform Neuroscience, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. This is a rich and thought-provoking book.  I cannot do it justice in a brief post so I apologize in advance for that. Roughly speaking, the book argues that (1) many …

New journal: 'Cognitive Computation'

Springer just released a new quarterly journal called ‘Cognitive Computation’, which might be of interest to some of the readers of this blog.  The editor, Amir Hussain, summarizes the goal of the journal as follows: “Cognitive Computation specifically aims to publish cutting-edge articles describing original basic and applied work involving …

Another Large-Scale Brain Simulation

On the heels of the Blue Brain project, here’s another effort to simulate neural systems on a very large scale, with the provocative title “Cognitive Computing via Synaptronics and Supercomputing.” This link is to the PI’s blog: From DARPA’s announcement: “The end goal: ubiquitously deployed computers imbued with a …

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