Call For Papers: Collective Intentionality

Collective Intentionality VIII University of Manchester August 28-31, 2012 Collective Intentionality VIII – as the name suggests! – is the eighth in a series of large-scale international events on joint and/or cooperative action, reasoning, decision, intention, attention, and associated mental and agential phenomena, topics that impact on issues in ethics …

The Identity Theory and Mind-Brain Correlations

By Brandon Towl In another thread (“What’s a good reading against type-identity theory for neuroscientists?”), I mentioned that I had a forthcoming paper in Philosophical Psychology that puts pressure on the IBE argument for identity theory.  Below is the abstract.  If anyone would like a draft of the paper, please …

Draft paper: "Multiple Realizability without Multiply Realizable Properties"

By Brandon Towl Hello again Brains readers– I’m turning to you again for your help and insights. Here is a link to a draft of a paper I am working on tentatively entitled “Multiple Realizability without Multiply Realizable Properties”.  I’d appreciate any feedback or comments on it from interested parties. …

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