HBO’s The Addiction Project

In partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, HBO is producing a 14-part documentary set to begin March 15th, called The Addiction Project, which attempts to redefine drug and alcohol addiction by looking at the latest science. There is more…

Consciousness and the Brainstem

I am under the impression that philosophers who talk about consciousness by and large focus on state consciousness and neglect creature consciousness, perhaps because they think that creature consciousness reduces to (is analyzable in terms of) state consciousness, or at any rate state consciousness is the ontologically more fundamental notion.  …

“Coordinated memory replay in the visual cortex and hippocampus during sleep”

It’s the title of an article forthcoming in Nature Neuroscience.  As yesterday’s NYT article says, this is big news.  The authors appear to have recorded the non-REM-sleep-induced dialogue between cortex and hippocampus by which long term memories are consolidated.

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