Upcoming Mind & Language Symposium

I’m happy to announce that our next Mind & Language symposium will be on Jean-Rémy Martin and François Le Corre’s “Sensory Substitution is Substitution” from the journal’s April 2015 issue. Thanks to the generous support of Wiley-Blackwell and the journal’s editors, the target article is now available in open access at the link above. …

Symposium on Aaron Norby, “Uncertainty Without All the Doubt”

I am happy to announce that our next Mind & Language symposium is on Aaron Norby’s “Uncertainty Without All the Doubt“ from the journal’s February 2015 issue with commentaries by Keith Frankish (Open University), Jennifer Nagel (Toronto), and Nicholas J.J. Smith (Sydney). Philosophical discussions of rationality and decision making are freqeuntly structured by the …

Symposium on Wayne Wu, “Against Division: Consciousness, Information, and the Visual Streams” (Mind & Language 29 (4), 383–406)

I am pleased to announce that our next Mind & Language symposium is on Wayne Wu’s “Against Division: Consciousness, Information and the Visual Streams,” from the journal’s September 2014 issue, with commentaries by David Kaplan (Macquarie), Pete Mandik (William Paterson), and Thomas Schenk (Erlangen-Nuremberg). According to the influential dual systems model of visual processing …

Symposium on Philipp Koralus, “The Erotetic Theory of Attention” (Mind & Language 29 (1), 26-50)

Our next Mind & Language article symposium is on Philipp Koralus’ paper, “The Erotetic Theory of Attention: Questions, Focus and Distraction”, from the journal’s February 2014 issue, with commentaries by Felipe De Brigard, Christopher Mole, Catherine Stinson, and Sebastian Watzl. In his paper, Philipp argues that the functional role of attention …

Symposium on Butterfill and Apperly’s “How to Construct a Minimal Theory of Mind” (Mind & Language 28, 606-637)

With apologies for the delay, I’m glad to begin our next Mind & Language symposium, on Stephen Butterfill and Ian Apperly’s article “How to Construct a Minimal Theory of Mind”, with commentaries by Hannes Rakoczy (Göttingen), Shannon Spaulding (Oklahoma State), and Tad Zawidzki (George Washington University).

Symposium on Louise Richardson’s “Flavour, Taste and Smell” (Mind & Language 28 (3), 322-341)

I’m very glad to be able to kick off the first of a series of symposia that Brains will be hosting on papers from Mind & Language. This month our target article is “Flavour, Taste and Smell”, by Louise Richardson of York University in the UK.

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