Society for Philosophy and Psychologywww.socphilpsych.org 39th Annual MeetingJune 13-15, 2013Brown University, Providence, RISubmission deadline: Jan. 31, 2013Submission via EasyChair (open for online submission as of Dec. 1, 2012)https://www.socphilpsych.org/CFP.html The Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP) is the premier academic organization focusing on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in the cognitive sciences. Leading …

cfp: Fifth Online Consciousness Conference

I am pleased to announce the call for papers for the Fifth Online Consciousness Conference, which is scheduled for February 15-March 1, 2013.  Invited talk by Daniel C. Dennett, Tufts University  Special Session on Self-Consciousness organized by John Schwenkler, Mount St. Mary’s University. Invited participants include Katja Crone and Joel …

Call for Papers Perception and Concepts Riga 16-18 May 2013 organized by Edouard Machery and Jesse Prinz (UpdateD)

CALL FOR PAPERS9th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and CommunicationPERCEPTION AND CONCEPTS16-18 May 2013, Riga, Latvia. https://www.lu.lv/eng/research/conferences/2013/cognition/INVITED ORGANIZERS: Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh) and Jesse Prinz (CUNY)INVITED SPEAKERS include:Fiona Macpherson (Glasgow) Ruth Millikan (Connecticut)David Chalmers (ANU/NYU)Alex Byrne (MIT)Andy Clark (Edinburgh)Diane Pecher (Rotterdam)Ophelia Deroy (London)Rob Goldstone (Indiana)Pierre Jacob (Institut Jean Nicod)Casey O’Callaghan (Rice)Alva Noe …

Templeton Foundation Fall Submission Cycle

As part of its fall open submission cycle, the John Templeton Foundation welcomes online funding inquiries in the areas of philosophy and theology.  The submission window is August 1 to October 15, 2012.  Proposed philosophical projects need not have religion or theology as a focus.  To submit an online funding …

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