Following up on Psychosemantics

Volume 3 of Current Issues in Theoretical Philosophy (edited by Richard Schantz) is scheduled to come out early next year (for those of you familiar with it, the publication of this volume has been long delayed): Volume 3 is entitled “Prospects for Meaning,” and it promises to be pertinent to …

Against the Afterlife: The Argument from the Neural Localization of Mental Functions

It’s hard to believe but even in our day and age, there are plenty of fairly distinguished philosophers who defend the existence of mental life after brain death.  My neuroscience colleague Sonya Bahar and I have written a paper explaining why what we know about the brain makes a strong …

CFP: Journal of Cognitive Science

The Journal of Cognitive Science has recently increased its number of yearly issues and is looking for some submissions to be published this year.  It’s a good quality interdisciplinary journal with a fast turn-around time.  Feel free to forward this news to other blogs or listservs. From the journal’s webpage: …

CFP: The Body Represented/Embodied Representation

Special issue of the Review of Philosophy and Psychology Guest editors: Adrian J. T. Smith & Frédérique de Vignemont Call for Papers Deadline for submissions: 15th of August, 2011 Cognition is embodied. The body is represented. Is there genuinely a convergence of ideas here? Does the claim that representations of …

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