Philosophers' Carnival #103
via Sam Coleman; *The Phenomenal Qualities Project* Podcasts now available on the Project website- Featuring: Tim Crane, David Papineau, Philip GoffJerry Valberg, Andreas Hutteman, Sam Coleman on such topics as: The nature of phenomenal concepts, perception,consciousness and metaphysics, intentionalism,qualia, physicalism. Podcasts available at: See also our uploaded papers, and photos from recent …
(cross-posted at Philosophy Sucks!) The NYU Mind and Language seminar has started up again with a really excellent line up. I hope to blog about them as they happen… Last Monday I attended Ned Block’s session on his paper Attention and Mental Paint. I have talked about an earlier version of …
Hi Folks, I’m interested in doing a reading group on Daniel Hutto’s book, “Folk Psychological Narratives.” In the book Hutto challenges, and offers an alternative to, mindreading accounts of social cognition. His negative arguments against mindreading accounts (Theory Theory, Simulation Theory, and hybrid accounts) include the charge that they cannot …
I am pleased to announce that the program for the Second OnlineConsciousness Conference has been finalized. It is available here: . I hope youwill join us *February 19th-March 5th* for what promises to be a veryexciting conference. Please post and distribute widely; apologies for crossposting.
In addition to the BBS target article, the symposium in Dialogue (for which Gualtiero’s excellent paper has been written) and to the reviews mentioned in an earlier post (Mind, Metapyschology), here are some new reviews of Doing without Concepts that might interest some of you: Andrew Woodfield (Bristol, philosophy) has …