Some Comments on: Are Mirror Neurons Evidence for Simulation Theory?

Something really weird happened today:  A duplication of Shannon’s post on mirror neurons and simulation theory appeared out of the blue under my name (Gualtiero).  I apologize for the inconvenience; I had nothing to do with it and hopefully it won’t happen again.  (The tech support people didn’t have an …

Are mirror neurons evidence for simulation theory?

Hi folks. I’m one of the new kids on the virtual block. Thanks to Gualtiero for giving me the opportunity to contribute here. I’m interested in the relation between mirror neurons and social cognition. Mirror neurons are neurons in our brains that fire for boththe first-person experience and the third-person …

BBS article on Doing without Concepts: Call for Commentary

BBS will publish a precis on Doing without Concepts, and is now accepting proposals for commentaries (see below). If you are not on the list of commentators, but would like to propose a comment, e-mail me, and I’ll suggest your name ( NOW ACCEPTING COMMENTARY PROPOSALS ON: Book: “Doing Without …

Submit to the European Journal for Philosophy of Science

The EJPS is now accepting  submissions! Send us your (best!) papers. EUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (EJPS) Editor-in-Chief: Carl Hoefer (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)Deputy Editor: Mauro Dorato (University of Rome III, Italy)Associate Editors: Franz Huber (Konstanz, Germany), Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh, USA), Michela Massimi (London, UK), Samir Okasha (Bristol, …

Recovering What Is Said With Empty Names

Two years ago, I ran a survey of semantic intuitions concerning empty names, that is, names that appear to be without a referent (e.g., ‘Santa Claus’, ‘Superman’).  Some of those who kindly participated in the survey asked me to post the results of the survey.  (Thanks again for your help, folks.) …

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