Philosophy of Science Association 2008 Biennial Meeting

While I’m in the “conference reminding” frame of mind, I should note the upcoming deadline for the PSA.  The twenty-first PSA biennial meeting will take place November 6-9, 2008, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Further information is here.  Scientist + philosopher symposia are of interest this year.  I think that Edouard is …

2008 SSPP

Colleagues, Just a reminder that the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology call for papers is now available here.  Submission deadline is November 15, 2007.  For 2008, we will be in New Orleans, the SSPP’s most popular venue.  We are currently planning to have a poster session to accommodate more …

If you had all the power to decide, what would you teach in cogsci program?

Hi folks, Some students of cogsci contacted me and asked me a question: If I had all the power to decide what courses and themes will be taught in cogsci, what would I choose? Well, the decision is a really tricky one. The field is so broad. So, what would you, guys, say? And …

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