Phenomenal Consciousness without Cerebral Cortex?

Contrary to what many doctors apparently assume, there is overwhelming evidence (cf. here and here) that hydranencephalic children, who lack a cerebral cortex, are creature conscious in a robust sense.  That is, they have a sleep-wake cycle, they respond appropriately to some features of stimuli, and they express emotions and preferences.  …

Surveys on intuitions about mental states

Justin Sytsma and I (Pittsburgh, HPS) are surveying people’s intuitions about mental states. We would appreciate if the readers of this blog took part in this survey. We ask participants to complete a 5-minute questionnaire and we ask a few biographic questions. The questionnaire is entirely anonymous and your response …

Roberts on Observable Causal Facts (II)

In response to his message quoted below, I asked John Roberts if we would expand on why he thinks that even allowing the observability of singular causal facts, most leading anti-Humean accounts of laws remain incompatible with Earman and Roberts’ argument. At any rate, John Roberts wrote as follows (it would be interesting to know what supporters of anti-Humeanism about laws have to say about it):

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