Program of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology

The program of the 2007 meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (Toronto) is on-line. In many respects, the program is similar to last year’s program in St-Louis. Both programs have a session on animal cognition,  a session on experimental philosophy (contributed paper last year, invited symposium this year), …

The Qualitative Character of Conscious Thoughts

In Explaining What It’s Like I argued that any kind of higher-order theory of consciousness that wants to implement the higher-order strategy (which is explaining qualitative consciousness in virtue of our being conscious of our first-order states with qualitative properties) thereby commits itself to the claim that there is a qualitative …

Realization, Multiple Realization, and Levels

Here is an idea that Carl Gillett and I broach in some works in progress and which we presented (among other things) at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (and provoked by Richard’s exobiology post).  In all explicitness, claims about realization and multiple realization should be indexed to levels.  …

Just Like Home

Recently there have been a lot of stories in the news about scientist’s finding water in the atmosphere of an extra-solar planet, and finding an extra-solar planet that they classify as habitableWhat is striking (to me) about these stories, besides the overal ‘cool factor’ of space stuff, is that these scientists …

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