Science and Consciousness Review

Alerted by Arnold Trehub, I just discovered Science & Consciousness Review, an interesting group blog devoted to reviewing work on the science of consciousness.  Incidentally, Arnold has a quick review of Annti Revonsuo’s book, Inner Presence and one of Velmans and Schneider’s Blackwell Companion to Consciousness.

Simulation Theory and Robotics

My colleague Bob Gordon is the originator of the simulation theory, one of the two main theories of folk psychology (the other being the theory theory).  Aside from being an influential theory in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience, in recent years the simulation theory has had a large impact on social robotics.Bob …


EPSA07: 1st Conference of the European Philosophy of Science AssociationContributed papers are invited to the 1st Conference of the newly founded European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA). The conference will take place at Complutense University, Madrid, from 15-17 November 2007.For details of the Association (EPSA) and the Conference (EPSA07) see:   …

New Society for the Metaphysics of Science

We are very happy to announce a new group, the ‘Society for the Metaphysics of Science’, (unsurprisingly) devoted to the ‘metaphysics of science’. We would like to invite anyone interested to join the group and also to attend our upcoming sessions at the Pacific and Central APA Conferences. The website …

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