The CFP for the next conference of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology is out. The conference will take place in Savannah, GA over Easter weekend, i.e., Thursday April 9 to Saturday April 11, 2009.
I am the program chair. I want to call your attention to a new feature of the CFP: you may submit a symposium proposal. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Update (7/21/08):
I wanted to mention two more things. First, the submitted symposia component of the CFP is modeled after the Philosophy of Science Association meeting, whose program always include a number of high quality symposia selected among those submitted.
Second, I’m proud to share the invited portion of the (philosophy part of the) SSPP 2009 program:
Invited Speakers:
John Heil
Valerie Hardcastle
Jason Stanley
Invited Symposia:
Mechanistic Functionalism
Carl Gillett
Robert Rupert
Murat Aydede
Timing Conscious Intentions
Al Mele
William Banks (tentatively)
Representing Causality: Direct graphs versus force vectors in human causal judgments
Carl Craver
Frederick Eberhardt
Phillip Wolff
Wow Gualtiero! That’s an impressive line-up you’ve put together so early in the process. Looks like it will be a great program.
Thanks. I hope so