CFP: Intentions

Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp  Call for papers: Conference on intentions, University of Antwerp, December 10-11, 2014. Topic: There are so many kinds of intentions: proximal, distal, immediate, prior, ‘-in-action’, present-directed, future-directed, motor, etc. How are they connected to each other and what role do they play in …

Essay Prize: Unconscious Perception

Third Annual Essay Prize at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp Topic: Unconscious perception in (contemporary, analytic) philosophy of perception. Eligibility: The Essay Prize is open to those who received their PhD after May 2006 or who are PhD students. Length: 3000 words. Single spaced! Deadline: November 1, 2014. …

Interview with Mary Midgley on consciousness and the limits of physical science

… at iai News. An excerpt: The physical sciences have been so extraordinarily successful in their own sphere of late that people tend now to expect them to be applicable everywhere. Enlightenment thinking has built up a general optimism about human capacities which centres at present on what is called …

CFP: Reciprocity and Social Cognition

CALL FOR POSTERS AND FLASH TALKS Reciprocity and Social Cognition Symposium Berlin School of Mind and Brain, 23rd-25th March 2015 Submissions close: October 1st 2014 Notifications sent: October 15th 2014 For more details, please see our website:   The Berlin School of Mind and Brain is pleased to announce …

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