Synthese and the Philosophy of Neuroscience

As most of your know, the journal Synthese publishes a yearly issue on Neuroscience and Its Philosophy, edited by John Bickle.  In recent years, this has been perhaps the highest profile venue explicitly devoted to articles in the philosophy of neuroscience.  John kindly invited me to take over this editorial …

Classicists between Wishful Thinking and Neuroscience

At the recent meeting of the Pacific APA, I had an interesting conversation with a prominent philosopher of science who also does some work in cognitive science.  We were talking about whether neuroscience and psychology contrain each other.  I was arguing that they do.  He suggested that perhaps the only …

A Sexy Title for a Course on Mind and Evolution

Speaking of evolutionary theory, I’m going to propose a “new-ish” course dealing with evolution and the mind.  The goal is to cover some topics in psychology/neuroscience from an evolutionary perspective.  The problem is to find a good title.  Here are some options: Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience Evolutionary Psychology Minds, Brains, and …

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