The featured image is a painting by Ulysses Belz, entitled “”Guided Tour Cézanne” (2013). Let me start by heartfully thanking John Schwenkler for inviting me to participate to this great blog. Thanks also to those who responded with  great comments. On this occasion, I will try to respond to the initial …

Diversity of epistemic practices: toward solving the puzzle

My prior post about metacognitive diversity pointed to the difficulty of reconciling invariance in procedural and analytic metacognition with the high variability in predictive practices. In this post, I attempt to address the puzzle itself. How can the coherence between the three sets of data be restored? My strategy will …

Social metacognition and its potential diversity: a puzzle

An individualist viewpoint is arguably justified in the philosophy of metacognition, for classical reasons: it is mainly at the level of the individual organism that it makes sense to analyze mechanisms, feelings, and representational contents constituting epistemic sensitivity. As recognized in the conclusion of The Philosophy of Metacognition, however, metacognition …

Metacognition: Central Philosophical issues

Why is metacognition central for contemporary philosophy? A first reason is that it is an essential ingredient in cognitive actions, i.e. actions that one performs in order to decide whether it’s worth trying to remember, solve a problem, and whether the result you obtained is valid or not. Metacognition offers …

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