2. Third-wave extended mind and predictive processing

Thanks to John Schwenkler for the invitation to guest-blog this week about our book Extended Consciousness and Predictive Processing: A Third-Wave View (Routledge, 2019): https://www.crcpress.com/Extended-Consciousness-and-Predictive-Processing-A-Third-Wave-View/Kirchhoff-Kiverstein/p/book/9781138556812 Where does your (conscious) mind stop, and the rest of the world begin? We defend what has come to be called a “third-wave” account of …

1. The Boundaries of the Conscious Mind

Thanks to John Schwenkler for the invitation to guest-blog this week about our book Extended Consciousness and Predictive Processing: A Third-Wave View (Routledge, 2019). Suppose a science of the mind of the future fully explains what it is that makes an animal a conscious subject, capable of enjoying and enduring …

3. Demonstration and Communication

“One cannot not communicate”: this slightly unsettling axiom of Watzlawick’s (1967) is necessarily true of creatures operating in social space. The social spatial framework is not simply given to but achieved by us through activities in which demonstrative gestures play a vital role. We point, nudge, and direct others’ gaze towards …

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