CFP: PhilMiLCog 2017

PhilMiLCog 2017 University of Western Ontario Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Mind, Language, and Cognitive Science Thursday June 15 to Saturday June 17 Keynote Speakers: Professor Barbara Gail Montero (Philosophy, City University of New York) Professor Gillian Barker (Philosophy, University of Western Ontario) + TBD (Brain and Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario) The Philosophy Department of the University of Western Ontario is …

CFP: Grounding Sensible Qualities

Dates: May 26-27, 2017 Location: University of California, Berkeley Details: We invite submissions of papers to be considered for presentation at this international conference. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following: What is the metaphysical nature of colors? In what way are colors grounded in the physical and/or …

Call For Papers: 3rd Annual Minds Online Conference

The editors of the Brains blog, together with the Departments of Philosophy at Florida State University and the University of Houston, are pleased to announce that the third annual Minds Online conference will be held during the month of September, 2017. And we hope that you’ll submit, participate, and share this with interested philosophers and cognitive scientists. Keynotes …

CFP: Replicability in Cognitive Science

A planned special issue of the Review of Philosophy and Psychology will focus on the subject of replicability and systematic error in cognitive science. For a call for contributions to the issue, see here. Potential topics include but are not limited to: The impact of the replicability problem on long standing theories …

CFP: Workshop on imagination and mental imagery in epistemology

March 16, 2017 University of Antwerp Confirmed speakers: Dominic Gregory (Sheffield) Francesco Berto (Amsterdam) Lu Teng (Antwerp) Shannon Spaulding (Oklahoma State University) Some slots are reserved for contributed papers. There are no parallel sections. Only blinded submissions are accepted. Length: 3000 words. Single spaced! Deadline: February 1, 2017. Papers should …

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