Call for Papers: The Second Annual Minds Online Conference

The editors of the Brains blog, together with the Departments of Philosophy at Florida State University and the University of Houston, are pleased to announce that the second annual Minds Online conference will be held during the month of September, 2016. The confirmed keynote speakers are Ellen Fridland (King’s College, …

CFP: Origins of Logical Reasoning

Call for Papers/Abstracts Workshop: Origins of Logical Reasoning York University, Toronto May 5–6, 2016 TOPIC The ability to reason logically is central to most philosophical conceptions of human thought. But are humans the only ones capable of logical reasoning? What are the phylogenetic and ontogenetic origins of logical reasoning? And …

Reminder: SSPP submission deadline approaching

The Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology announces a call for papers for its One Hundred and Eighth Annual Meeting to be held Louisville, KY from March 10-12. SSPP meetings feature concurrent programs in Philosophy and Psychology, as well as plenary sessions jointly sponsored by the Philosophy and Psychology Program …

CFA: Rethinking the Taxonomy of Psychology

Call for Abstracts for Poster Presentations Rethinking the Taxonomy of Psychology Workshop University of Western Ontario April 15-17, 2016 Workshop Description: This workshop will focus on an emerging research project in the cognitive neurosciences wherein the traditional scientific approach of using psychological investigations to enhance our understanding of the brain …

Templeton-sponsored “Academic Cross-Training” for philosophers and theologians

This looks like a terrific program (note that it is only for the recently tenured): The John Templeton Foundation invites applications for its Academic Cross-Training (ACT) Fellowship program beginning November 9, 2015, with fellowships to begin Fall 2017. The ACT Fellowship program is intended to equip recently tenured philosophers and …

CFP: International Conference on Thinking

The International Conference on Thinking is now accepting submissions. Date: August 4-6, 2016 (Note: The Cognitive Science Society conference will be in Philadelphia the following week). Location: Brown University, Providence, RI, USA Submission deadline: 31st of March 2016 at 23:59 GMT This conference brings cognitive scientists, psychologists, philosophers, decision-making researchers, and …

Applications for the Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy are now open!

Applications are now being accepted for the Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy (SSNAP), to be held at Duke University from May 22 to June 5, 2016. The SSNAP consist of two weeks of intensive training in philosophy and neuroscience with the aim of fostering collaboration between the two disciplines. A total …

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