CFP: Owning Our Emotions

Owning our emotions: Emotion, authenticity and the self 21st to 22nd September 2016 The Senate House, London Keynote speakers include: Professor Kristján Kristjánsson, University of Birmingham Professor Denis McManus, University of Southampton Professor Monika Betzler, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich Dr Jonathan Webber, University of Cardiff Professor Fabrice Teroni, University of Geneva How …

CFP: Pathologies of Self-Awareness

Special issue of the Review of Philosophy and Psychology Guest Editors Alexandre Billon (Université de Lille Nord de France) Francesca Garbarini (Università degli Studi di Torino) Invited Contributors José Luis Bermudez (Texas A&M University) Philip Gerrans (University of Adelaide) Daniele Romano (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) Schedule Submission Deadline: September 1st …

CFP: Mechanistic Integration and Unification in Cognitive Science

Warsaw, June 23-26, 2016 The aim of the workshop is to discuss the recent work on mechanistic explanation, with special stress on particular problems of integration of multiple mechanistic models, robustness, and unification of partial explanations, theories and fields. There is a growing consensus that cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience …

CFP: Philosophical Explorations Essay Prize 2016

The journal Philosophical Explorations has inaugurated an annual essay prize for philosophers in the early stages of their career. Papers are invited on all aspects of the philosophy of mind and action. They should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and should not be submitted to any other journal until the outcome of the …

CFP — Essays in Philosophy: Extended Cognition and the Extended Mind

Submissions are sought for the July 2016 issue of Essays in Philosophy, a peer-reviewed online journal edited by David Boersema (Pacific University): The topic of the issue is Extended Cognition and the Extended Mind. The issue editor is Gary Bartlett (Central Washington University). The deadline for submissions is March …

CFP: PhilMilCog 2016

University of Western Ontario Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Mind, Language, and Cognitive Science May 19-21, 2016 1145 Stevenson Hall (Map) Keynote Speakers:  Professor Mazviita Chirimuuta (Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh) Professor Tim Bayne (Philosophy, University of Western Ontario) Professor Jessica Grahn (Psychology, University of Western Ontario) The Philosophy Department of the University of Western Ontario is pleased to announce the 14th …

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