CFP: Third PLM Conference, Oslo

Third PLM Conference Philosophy of Language and Mind Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN) University of Oslo 11-13 September 2015 Every two years PLM (see: organises a conference in the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. The third PLM conference will take place at the CSMN in Oslo, 11-13 …

Minds Online submissions are due on Feb. 15!

This is a reminder that submissions for the first annual Minds Online Conference, which will be held at the Brains blog next September, are due on February 15. To submit your work, please visit The conference will feature invited talks by Tony Jack (Department of Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University), …

CFP: Philosophical Analysis and Experimental Philosophy

Call for Papers, special issue of Discipline filosofiche Philosophical Analysis and Experimental Philosophy Over the last decades, a renewed interest for metaphilosophical issues has prompted many philosophers in the analytic tradition to ask questions on the epistemic status and the methodology of philosophical inquiry. Reflection has focussed especially on …

CFP: Montreal Neuroethics Conference for Young Researchers 2015

The Montreal Neuroethics Conference for Young Researchers 2015 will be held in Montréal, Québec, on April 17th, 2015 at Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM), Montréal, Quebec. This one-day international conference is aimed at young researchers, trainees, and students from all fields interested in neuroethics. In addition to the …

CFP: Consciousness and Inner Awareness

CALL FOR PAPERS Consciousness and Inner Awareness Special Issue of The Review of Philosophy and Psychology  It is generally agreed that consciousness provides subjects with an ‘outer awareness’ of their environment. More controversial is the claim that consciousness also provides subjects with an ‘inner awareness’ of their own conscious experience. …

CFP: Perspectives on the First Person

Perspectives on the First Person: The Philosophical Significance of the First Person Point of View Keynote Speakers: David Chalmers and Carol Rovane April 30- May 1st Many areas of philosophy struggle to reconcile the impartial, third personal point of view on the universe with the individual first person perspective. Philosophers …

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