Call For Papers: Collective Intentionality

Collective Intentionality VIII University of Manchester August 28-31, 2012 Collective Intentionality VIII – as the name suggests! – is the eighth in a series of large-scale international events on joint and/or cooperative action, reasoning, decision, intention, attention, and associated mental and agential phenomena, topics that impact on issues in ethics …

Neural Computation and the Computational Theory of Cognition

This paper (co-authored with theoretical and experimental neuroscientist Sonya Bahar) is what I’ve been aiming at during all these years.  This is why I made this big fuss over developing an adequate non-semantic account of computation. I think the paper is finally ready to submit, but I’d love to get some …

A Response to Machery’s Response

By Jim Virtel The latest issue of BBS includes a précis of Edouard Machery’s Doing Without Concepts —the book that boldly argues that the term “concept” should be eliminated from psychology.  The fourth tenet of Machery’s Heterogeneity Hypothesis (HH) proposes that prototypes, exemplars, and theories —three types of concept —are …

Some Comments on Doing Without Concepts

By Jim Virtel Edouard Machery’s Doing Without Concepts boldly argues for the elimination of the term “concept” from psychological literature.  His argument runs as follows: individuals possess many different kinds of concepts which have very few properties in common.  These concepts are used in distinct cognitive processes, so the term …

Sociology and Economics as Branches of Physics

Mark Buchanan, The Social Atom: Why the Rich Get Richer, Cheaters Get Caught, and Your Neighbor Usually Looks Like You, New York: Bloomsbury, 2007. Buchanan is an American physicist and former editor of Nature.  In his latest book, he argues that the collective behavior of human beings can be understood …

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