The Function of Homosexuality?

Homosexuality is evolutionarily mysterious.  Why should it evolve, since it seems to reduce the probability of reproducing?  The most obvious hypothesis is that it evolved because it somehow increases the chances of survival of family members, because gays somehow spend extra energy to help their (extended) families (who then go …

Computation and Cognitive Science Workshop

Computation and Cognitive Science 7-8th July 2008 King’s College, Cambridge Supported by The British Academy, The British Society for the Philosophy of Science, King’s College Cambridge, Microsoft Research, and The Mind Association Speakers: Kenneth Aizawa (Centenary College, Louisiana) William Bechtel (UCSD) Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury) Frances Egan (Rutgers) Chris …

When Was Ignorance of Neuroscience OK?

Asks Ken Aizawa.  Answer: Never.Thanks a lot to Arnold, Anibal, Eric, Tony, and Ken for a great discussion of whether we may ignore neuroscience.  The bottom line is that I’ve been accused of “methodological imperialism” for suggesting that philosophers of mind ought to take neuroscience into account.  Well, I don’t …

Why Philosophy is in Better Shape than in 1997

Because philosophers are taking brains more seriously, of course!This is in response to some recent discussion of whether philosophy is better off than ten years ago.In the last ten years, more philosophers have started to think seriously about the nervous system, and the relationship between brains and minds, than ever …

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