Kazimierz Naturalism Workshop ’08

KAZIMIERZ NATURALISM WORKSHOP 2008 September 6th – 10th 2008 Kazimierz Dolny, Poland Invited key speakers Susan Stuart (University of Glasgow, UK) David Papineau (King’s College London, UK) Susan Haack (University of Miami, USA) Peter Gärdenfors (Lund University, Sweden) Ingo Brigandt (University of Alberta, Canada) Naturalism is currently the most vibrantly …

Neurophilosophy Fellowships of $15,000 for Georgia State Masters Program

Please share this information with any students who may be interested.  Thanks, Eddy! The Masters program in the Philosophy Department at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia is accepting applications from qualified students for its two Neurophilosophy Fellowships–as well as a Legal/Political Philosophy Scholarship, and a German Philosophy Scholarship.  Fellowships …

Got Salmon?

Wesley Salmon often mentioned, or implicitly referred to, the “overcoming psychological uneasiness” conception of scientific explanation (e.g., 1984: 12-13).  Do any readers know whether anyone has actually ever held the view Salmon characterizes?  Did Salmon ever attribute it to anyone or otherwise cite anyone as having been sympathetic to it?  …

Conference on Spatial Cognition at Washington University in St. Louis

The Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology program at Washington University in St. Louis would like to call your attention to a special conference on Perception, Language, and Space, to be held Saturday & Sunday March 1st and 2nd.  Invited speakers include:    Laura Carlson (Univ. Notre Dame, Psychology)    Anjan Chatterjee (Univ. Pennsylvania, Cognitive Neurosci.)    Rick Grush (UC San Diego, …

Chomskian Neurolinguistics

Thanks everyone for another interesting discussion of the relevance of neuroscience to philosophy, psychology, and especially Chomskian linguistics.  Again, I agree that not every neuroscientific fact is relevant to every philosophical or psychological question.  Which neuroscientific facts are relevant needs to be determined on a case-by-base basis.  But if we don’t …

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