Announcing the Contributed Papers for the 2016 Minds Online Conference

Together with Nick Byrd and Cameron Buckner I’m excited to say that the following papers have been selected for the 2016 Minds Online Conference, to be held at the Brains blog this coming September: “Visual Spatial Awareness Probably Requires Visual Awareness of Space”, by Bartek Chomanski (University of Miami) “The multiple localizability …

CFP: Naïve Realism and Its Challenges (Warwick)

CFP for BPPA Masterclass on Naïve Realism and Its Challenges At the University of Warwick, on the 8th of October 2016; Room TBC The deadline for submitting your work is the 1st of September 2016. Until recently, the idea that perceptual experiences are representational states was dominant, if not unquestioned. …

CFP: Bias in Context (Sheffield)

Bias in Context: Psychological and Structural Explanations The University of Sheffield, September 5th & 6th. Deadline: 1st May 2016 Theme: What is the relationship between psychological and structural explanations of persistent social injustice? Much empirical and philosophical work focuses on individualistic psychological explanations for ongoing injustice. Such explanations  appeal to …

Symposium on Bence Nanay, “The Role of Imagination in Decision-Making”

I’m happy to kick off our latest Mind & Language symposium on Bence Nanay’s  “The Role of Imagination in Decision-Making,” from the journal’s February 2016 issue, with commentaries by Amy Kind (Claremont McKenna ) and Neil Van Leeuwen (Georgia State). The psychological process of decision-making is often explained in terms of an agent’s beliefs and desires (or other pro-attitudes): practical reasoning is essentially a …

CFP: Zahavi on Self and Other (Bochum)

Call for Papers and Workshop Announcement Ruhr-Universität Bochum June 20-22, 2016 Prof. Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen): Lectures on Self and Other Dan Zahavi is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen. He is the author of various books on Husserl’s Phenomenology, …

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