reading group

Hi Folks, I’m interested in doing a reading group on Daniel Hutto’s book, “Folk Psychological Narratives.” In the book Hutto challenges, and offers an alternative to, mindreading accounts of social cognition. His negative arguments against mindreading accounts (Theory Theory, Simulation Theory, and hybrid accounts) include the charge that they cannot …

Laws of Selection?

Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini’s much anticipated book “What Darwin Got Wrong” is coming out in February.  I am sure many here followed the heated discussion prompted by Fodor’s LRB article “Why Pigs Don’t Have Wings” (available here:, and perhaps many have read Fodor’s (still unpublished?) manuscript “Against Darwinism” …

epistemic modals conference announcement

By Janice Dowell Epistemic Modals April 16-18, 2010 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE Speakers: Keith DeRose,  “Accommodation and Epistemic Possibilities Nobody Knows to be False” Kai von Fintel and Thony Gillies, TBA Angelika Kratzer, “Epistemic Modals: Embedded, Modified, and Plain” John MacFarlane, TBA Robert Stalnaker, “‘If’s, ‘May’s, and ‘Might’s” Eric …

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