Should Graduate Students Publish Outside Philosophy Journals?

In response to the earlier thread on publishing while in graduate school, a student at a PGR top 40 department wrote me as follows: I’m likely to go on the job market in two years, and as such, I was particularly interested (and helped!) by your advice on publishing while …

Does culture accelerate biological evolution?

On the Human has an interesting target article by Mark Stoneking, Professor of evolutionary genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Antrhopology, on a question at the border of the philosophy of psychology and the philosophy of biology: Does culture accelerate biological evolution or rather buffer our species from …

The Folk Concept of Happiness, Revisted

Dan Haybron’s recent post  on ‘The Folk Concept of Happiness’ brings up an interesting question that I think deserves some further discussion. Is people’s ordinary concept of happiness a purely psychological one, or is it wrapped up in some way with irreducibly normative or moral issues?  To address this question, …

Cognitive Phenomenology

(cross-posted at Philosophy Sucks!) Via David Rosenthal- There was a conference entitled “Theory Of Consciousness In Analytic Phenomenology And Philosophy Of Mind,” at the University of Bern, Switzerland, May 27-29, 2009. Podcasts of the talks are, for the next 2-3 years, at Talks are by David M. Rosenthal, Gianfranco …

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