Simulation Theory and Dungeons and Dragons Psychology

After an excellent SSPP run by Gualtiero (who deserves great thanks!), I thought a modestly humorous post from here in Savannah was in order: Here is a question, which I think suggests a funny criticism: if simulation does play a prominent role in mindreading (the attribution of mental states to …

The Kripkean Response to Kripke’s Modal Argument against Physicalism

(cross-posted at Philosophy Sucks!) Well it’s been a while since I have posted anything here…I have been so busy with Consciousness Online (which by the way was a HUGE success!Thanks to all who participated, including our very own Gualtiero! I am also happy to announce that the Journal of Consciousness Studies …

The Kripkean Response to Kripke's Modal Argument against Physicalism

(cross-posted at Philosophy Sucks!) Well it’s been a while since I have posted anything here…I have been so busy with Consciousness Online (which by the way was a HUGE success!Thanks to all who participated, including our very own Gualtiero! I am also happy to announce that the Journal of Consciousness Studies …

Naturalism and the Mind. Kazimierz Naturalism Workshop 2009

NATURALISM AND THE MIND KAZIMIERZ NATURALISM WORKSHOP 2009 September 4th – 8th 2009 Kazimierz Dolny, Poland This year we will focus on a topic that should be of interest for Brain readers and contributors – the mind, and we will do that in a naturalistic way Invited key speakers Tim …

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