Brains Blog Roundtable: Agency

We are thrilled to announce the second in our series of Brains Blog Roundtables, focusing on agency! Specifically exciting: this is our first co-hosted roundtable, with our friends at Pea Soup. Dave Shoemaker, co-editor of Pea Soup, joins me as co-moderator for this discussion. Our wonderful participants in this roundtable …

Call for Papers: SPP/ESPP (Milan, July 2022)

The program is now available. See also The 3rd Joint Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology and European Society for Philosophy and Psychology invite submissions of papers, symposia and posters for the 3rd joint meeting of the SPP and ESPP, to be held 19-22 July 2022 in …

Brains Blog Roundtable: Perceptual Representation

We are very excited about our first ever Brains Blog Roundtable, on “Perceptual Representation”! We have a really fantastic lineup for our first roundtable: joining us for this session are Ned Block (NYU), Susanna Schellenberg (Rutgers), and Susanna Siegel (Harvard). Join us for a spirited discussion about the state of …

Going Against the Grain of Proportionality

In Chapter 1 of Causation with a Human Face, James Woodward articulates the metaphilosophical outlook on causation that gives his book its title. He tells us that his aim is to articulate a normative theory about how human beings ought to engage in causal reasoning. However, he believes that when …

Proportionality and Causal Dependence

James Woodward’s Causation with a Human Face defends three methodological proposals: (I) The empirical study of causal reasoning can fruitfully inform the philosophical analysis of causation, and vice versa. (II) Philosophers should attend to distinctions among different kinds of causal relationship, and not just the distinction between causal and non-causal relationships. (III) …

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