Deja vu ‘recreated in laboratory’
Scientists believe they have found a way to probe the mysterious phenomenon of feeling you have witnessed something before – deja vu:
Scientists believe they have found a way to probe the mysterious phenomenon of feeling you have witnessed something before – deja vu:
I open a thread where you can leave some comments on chap. 1. A few of you have already sent me written comments. Many thanks.
In comments to some previous posts, Marcin Milkowski raised a spirited defense of Dennett’s heterophenomenology (HF) as a correct methodology of data from first-person reports (about mental states). Among other statements, he made the following: “HF is not about inferring beliefs from verbal behavior in any setting. It’s about …
I sent the first chapter of my book by e-mail. If you volunteered to read it, but have not received it, it’s because I do not have your mail. I will open a thread on Monday. If you want to send me comments before, please do it by e-mail. Thanks …
Since several readers of Brains have told me they were interested in taking part in this group, we will start tomorrow. Here is how I will proceed. Starting tomorrow (Wednesday), I will send by e-mail a chapter every week. On Monday, I will open a thread on the relevant chapter. …
In a recent post and its comments, some questions were raised about Griffiths’s theory of emotions and whether emotions are natural kinds.Griffiths’s (1997) central point was that it is unlikely that all the psychological states and processes that fall under the vernacular category of emotion are similar to one another to …