AISC 2021 17th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences – Submissions and Registration Open

13-15 Dec 2021 Noto (Italy) New extended submission deadline: September 30th, 2021 Theme: Post-Neuroscience Times for Cognitive Science Circa 2021? The relative contribution to cognitive science from its six constituent traditional disciplines (anthropology, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology) has never been uniform.  This is, in part, due to the continous …

SSPP 2022 Submission deadline approaching [update]

The Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology will be held in Mobile, AL from March 31-April 2. SSPP meetings feature concurrent programs in Philosophy and Psychology, as well as plenary sessions jointly sponsored by the Philosophy and Psychology Program Committees. The deadline for all philosophy submissions is October 1, 2021. …

Symposium on Fischer & Sytsma’s “Zombie Intuitions”

We’re pleased to share our latest symposium discussing “Zombie intuitions” a new paper in Cognition by Eugen Fischer (University of East Anglia) and Justin Sytsma (Victoria University of Wellington), with commentaries by David Chalmers (NYU), Keith Frankish (Sheffield), Michelle Liu (Hertfordshire), and Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh). We thank all of the participants for their contributions!

Unthinkable Pasts and Undreamable Futures: A Role of History for Scientists

I am not a historian. This thought did not occur to me when I set out three years ago to write a book about my field of computational neuroscience, but it has occurred to me many times since. I knew I wanted the book be more than just be a …

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