Writing The Misinformation Age

Thank you to Nick and his co-editors for inviting us to contribute to this symposium on writing books for general audiences!  We have both written several books, and one of us – Weatherall – has written two other books for general audiences.  But in this post, we are going to …

Let Go of Your Expertise to Tell a Better Story

Unexpectedly, the eyeball turned out to be the problem. There I was, writing a book about the brain, a manuscript that became The Spike: An Epic Journey Through the Brain in 2.1 Seconds, and I was stuck. The big picture was clear in my mind: I wanted to tell the …

Second CFP: Philosophy of Neuroscience at the Gulf IV!!

Are you ready to return to in-person conferences? At a beachfront Gulf of Mexico location this September? SECOND CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Philosophy and Neuroscience at the Gulf IV Fourth Annual Meeting of the Deep South  Philosophy and Neuroscience Workgroup (Held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Alabama Philosophical …

Nikolaus Kriegeskorte will livestream “Peeling the Onion of Brain Representations” on June 11

We are excited about the next Neural Mechanisms webinar. As always, it is free. You can find information about how and when to join the webinar below or at the Neural Mechanisms website—where you can also join sign up for the mailing list that notifies people about upcoming webinars, webconferences, …

Luiz Pessoa will livestream “Mental Categories and the Vertebrate Brain” on May 28

We are excited about the next Neural Mechanisms webinar this Friday. As always, it is free. You can find information about how and when to join the webinar below or at the Neural Mechanisms website—where you can also join sign up for the mailing list that notifies people about upcoming …

Closing Conference of Duke’s Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy on June 4 and 5

We are excited to share information about the Closing Conference of the 2021 Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy (SSNAP) with you! This is 2-day event featuring keynote addresses from leading researchers in neuroscience and philosophy will be shared remotely from 12-3pm EDT on June 4 and June 5. They …

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