Corey Maley will livestream Analog Computation and Representation on May 14

We are excited about the next Neural Mechanisms webinar this Friday. As always, it is free. You can find information about how and when to join the webinar below or at the Neural Mechanisms website—where you can also join sign up for the mailing list that notifies people about upcoming …

CFA: Prudence and politics (MANCEPT)

Call for Abstracts – MANCEPT 2021 Prudence and Politics Convenor: Marcus Arvan (University of Tampa) Considerations of prudence plausibly underlie a number of important political debates. Consider, for example, debates between moderates, progressives, and conservatives about social and political change. Moderates often allege that radical approaches to change are likely …

JOB: Tulane University

Job Description The Tulane Philosophy and English Departments in connection with the Cognitive Studies Program invite applications for a two-year Visiting Assistant Professor to start fall 2021. Teaching responsibilities will include expository science writing and one or more of the core Cognitive Studies courses, such as: Mind in Evolution, Consciousness, …

Call for Abstracts: First Graduate Conference (Online) of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science

First Graduate Conference (Online) of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science Natural &/or Artificial Minds September, 13th (late afternoon) & 14th (morning) Since its early days, cognitive science has been characterized by analogies between the human and other minds, be them (non-human) biological or artificial. The consideration of non-human …

CFP: Special Issue of Topoi, “What’s so special about faces?”

Topoi. An International Review of PhilosophyCFP for a Thematic Issue What’s so special about faces? Visages at the crossroad between philosophy, semiotics and cognition Guest editors: Marco Viola & Massimo Leone (University of Turin) Faces, or at least T-shaped face patterns, grab human beings’ attention since the very earlier days …

Book Symposium: Declan Smithies’ The Epistemic Role of Consciousness (6)

Welcome to the Brains Blog’s Book Symposium series on Declan Smithies’ The Epistemic Role of Consciousness. In this series, seven critics discuss the book with the author. The critics are Kengo Miyazono, Lu Teng, Takuya Niikawa & Yasushi Ogusa, Brie Gertler, Thomas Raleigh, and Tony Cheng. From April 26 to …

Book Symposium: Declan Smithies’ The Epistemic Role of Consciousness (5)

Welcome to the Brains Blog’s Book Symposium series on Declan Smithies’ The Epistemic Role of Consciousness. In this series, seven critics discuss the book with the author. The critics are Kengo Miyazono, Lu Teng, Takuya Niikawa & Yasushi Ogusa, Brie Gertler, Thomas Raleigh, and Tony Cheng. From April 26 to …

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