Monday Links

The  163rd Philosophers’ Carnival is here. NYU’s David Amodio in Mother Jones on our racist brains. (h/t Robert Barnard on Facebook) Eric Schwitzgebel asks: Is early publication bad for philosophy? (h/t Eric S. on Facebook) Is there mathematical “proof” that computers can’t be conscious?* (h/t Don Howard on Facebook) German neuroscientists have …

Live from World Sci Fest: “Architects of the Mind” (8:00-9:30pm EDT, Friday 5/31)

Is the human brain an elaborate organic computer? Since the time of the earliest electronic computers, some have imagined that with sufficiently robust memory, processing speed, and programming, a functioning human brain can be replicated in silicon. Others disagree, arguing that central to the workings of the brain are inherently …

Realistic [?] Routes to Substrate Independent Minds

Susan Schneider sent me this interesting article about a new group apparently devoted to unifying efforts to build artificial minds.  Incidentally, the article contains a nice series of confused non sequiturs about computation and the brain: “When it comes to the brain and the mind, the strong neuroscientific consensus is …

More on Noe on the Origin of Cognitive Science

In a recent post, I criticized some passages from Alva Noe’s book, Out of Our Heads.  I’d like to clarify some details. First, it was pointed out to me that my tone was disrespectful.  I am truly sorry about that.  My comments were only aimed at the quoted claims, not …

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