Did McCulloch and Pitts 1943 Offer a Theory of Cognition in terms of Digital Computation?

Yes! Some people don’t realize this.  Someone recently objected to me that since McCulloch and Pitts were studying the brain, they must be offering only a theory of neural activity, on the same level as, say, Hodgkin and Huxley.  How can I say that McCulloch and Pitts had a theory of cognition? Although …

Information Processing, Computation, and Cognition

In a new paper by Andrea Scarantino and me, we outline the relations between cognition and (different notions of) computation and information processing, as well as the relations between the different notions of computation and information processing.  To my knowledge, this has not been done before (except in an earlier, less sophisticated …

Whatever Happened to the Echoic Buffer?

In Chap. 6 of his book LOT 2, Jerry Fodor runs an argument for the existence of nonconceptual content based on Sperling’s experiments from the 1960s.  Sperling (followed by Fodor) explained his results by postulating the “echoic buffer” or “echoic store”, which is a perceptual system that maintains an image of …

New journal: 'Cognitive Computation'

Springer just released a new quarterly journal called ‘Cognitive Computation’, which might be of interest to some of the readers of this blog.  The editor, Amir Hussain, summarizes the goal of the journal as follows: “Cognitive Computation specifically aims to publish cutting-edge articles describing original basic and applied work involving …

More on Noe on the Origin of Cognitive Science

In a recent post, I criticized some passages from Alva Noe’s book, Out of Our Heads.  I’d like to clarify some details. First, it was pointed out to me that my tone was disrespectful.  I am truly sorry about that.  My comments were only aimed at the quoted claims, not …

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