Where Does "Biological Psychology" Come From?

I recently realized that the label “biological psychology” is quite popular among some psychologists, including at my university.  For example, there are core courses, journals, and textbooks with that name.  “Biological psychology” is used as roughly synonymous with “behavioral neuroscience,” which is another label popular in the same circles and explicitly refers …

Natural Metaphysics Blowing Through the Air

In November 2009 the Center for Ethics and Values in the Sciences at the University of Alabama Birmingham hosted a conference entitled Does Scientific Naturalism Exclude Metaphysics? The speakers were Michael Friedman, Andrew Melnyck, Ron Giere, Mark Wilson, Don Ross, Daniel Dennett, J T Ismael, James Ladyman, and Paul Humphries. The conference …

Synthese Submission Option on Neuroscience and Its Philosophy

Following up on a previous post on this topic:  The journal Synthese has added a submission option on “neuroscience and its philosophy” to its online submission system.  If you select that option, the system should to put me (qua editor of the yearly issue on neuroscience and its philosophy) in …

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