Another Large-Scale Brain Simulation

On the heels of the Blue Brain project, here’s another effort to simulate neural systems on a very large scale, with the provocative title “Cognitive Computing via Synaptronics and Supercomputing.” This link is to the PI’s blog: From DARPA’s announcement: “The end goal: ubiquitously deployed computers imbued with a …

A Review of the Hypercomputation Literature

A. Syropoulos, Hypercomputation: Computing Beyond the Church-Turing Barrier. New York, Springer, 2008.There is now a wide range of proposals for physical (more or less) systems that purportedly compute functions that are not computable by Turing machines.  This new book reviews many proposals from the hypercomputation literature, such as infinite time …

Workshop on Doing without Concepts

To celebrate the publication of my book, Doing without Concepts (OUP, January 2009), the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh organizes a symposium with Barbara Malt (psychology, Lehigh) and Jesse Prinz (philosophy, UNC), March 5, 2009. They comment, I reply, we take some questions! Information here. If …

Philosophers’ Carnival #81

Here.The carnival links to my previous post but contains a slight misunderstanding.  I wasn’t trying to argue that “cognition is computation plus X”; rather, I was arguing that the most plausible version of computationalism is that cognition is computation plus X.  I was being neutral on whether computationalism holds.

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