Conference: What It Means to Be “Human”

THE NATIONAL HUMANITIES CENTER EXPLORES WHAT IT MEANS TO BE “HUMAN”Final Conference with Leading Scientists and Humanists  WHAT:            The National Humanities Center will host the third and final conference that explores how modern scientific developments give more insight into what it means to be “human.”  The 2008 “The Human & …

Logic agents?

Does anyone know of any studies that have done something like the following, or know a reason it shouldn’t work? Imagine a population of computer agents that spit out sequences of sentences, random well-formed formulas of first-order logic.  Selection acts not at the genetic level, but the agents are able …

Philosophy of Science in Missouri

Recently there have been some valuable inititiatives in the philosophy of science in MO.Three philosophers at U of MO – Columbia (Andre Ariew, Andrew Melnik, and Philip Robbins) have organized the first Missouri Philosophy of Science Workshop, which will take place next weekend in Columbia.And some philosophers in St. Louis …

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