The 3rd Annual Minds Online Conference Starts Monday!

Mark your calendars! The conference starts Monday and runs for three weeks. The first session’s papers are already posted. Commenting for the first session starts Monday. Check out the full post for the rest of the details.

Congratulations are due …

Heartfelt congratulations to Felipe De Brigard (Duke University), winner of the 2017 Stanton Prize from the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, and Andrea Scarantino (Georgia State University), winner of the 2017 Simon Prize from the International Association for Computing and Philosophy.

Felipe will give his prize address at the SPP’s upcoming meeting at Johns Hopkins University, and Andrea his at the IACAP’s meeting at Stanford. Both meetings are still accepting submissions …

Call For Papers: 3rd Annual Minds Online Conference

The editors of the Brains blog, together with the Departments of Philosophy at Florida State University and the University of Houston, are pleased to announce that the third annual Minds Online conference will be held during the month of September, 2017. And we hope that you’ll submit, participate, and share this with interested philosophers and cognitive scientists. Keynotes …

Important changes to the SPP mailing lists

Colin Allen writes on behalf of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology: Because of new restrictions on hosting mailing lists on faculty machines at Texas A&M, after two decades of service (thanks to Chris Menzel!) we are shifting the SPP mailing lists to Google groups. We are keeping the same …

Summer Seminar on Self-Control at Florida State University

The Philosophy and Science of Self-Control (PSSC) project is hosting a five day summer seminar on the topic of self-control for up to twelve graduate students and recent Ph.D.s (Ph.D. received no earlier than 2012). The aim is to enhance participants’ capacity to do scientific or scientifically informed research on …

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