
You may (or may not) have noticed that Pete Mandik and Richard Brown (me) have started a podcast, called SpaceTimeMind, where we talk about tax law updates for 2014, uh, I mean, er, we talk about space and time and mind! The first episode is up now (and has been …

Spaulding and Kandel on relationship between psychiatry/philosophy

See the following video from the Emerson-Wier Liberal Arts Symposium on the topic of interdisciplinarity at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.  Spaulding’s remarks begin at 25 minutes, and Kandel’s response begins at 1:33. There has been a fair amount of discussion recently on Facebook concerning how to frame …

Costs and Benefits of Imperfect Cognitions

Workshop Costs and Benefits of Imperfect Cognitions Birmingham (UK), 8-9 May 2014 8th May 10:30-11:30 – Ryan McKay (Royal Holloway) and Maarten Boudry (University of Ghent): “In Defence of False Beliefs?” 11:40-12:40 – Lisa Bortolotti (University of Birmingham): “Epistemic Costs and Benefits of Delusional Beliefs”. 14:00-15:00 – Katerina Fotopoulou (University …

Advice on construing empirically-based arguments for a “generalist” audience?

A reader of the Brains blog wrote me the other day concerning a referee report he’d received on a submission to a top “generalist” journal. (See here if you don’t understand the rationale for my punctuation practices.) Despite praising the article overall and saying that it probably warranted publication, the …

2013 Spindel Conference: The Lives of Human Animals

The problem of personal identity is one of the most bewitching puzzles in all of philosophy. Until very recently, most philosophers subscribed to the view first advocated by the 17th-century British philosopher, John Locke. Locke held that our fundamental nature is given by our status as self-conscious, rational agents (“persons”) …

Do Women Have Different Philosophical Intuitions than Men? Responding to Buckwalter and Stich*

Recently there has been a lot of discussion in our profession (e.g., on philosophy blogs) about the underrepresentation of women in philosophy.  Most of the proposed solutions to this problem have focused on problems about, and solutions for, the underrepresentation of female graduate students and professors. Hiring practices are being …

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