3. Reducing the Phenomenal

The phenomenal concept strategy has been pursued by many different authors. The basic idea is to explain the problematic thought experiments (zombies, Mary, and the explanatory gap) in terms of the distinctive set of concepts we can use when thinking about our own access-conscious nonconceptual mental states. People differ over …

Paris Workshop on sensorimotor approach to Consciousness in July 2015

On July 4th and 5th 2015, just before the ASSC conference on Consciousness in Paris, we are organizing a workshop to discuss advances in the sensorimotor approach. All are welcome! See here for the call for papers: https://lpp.psycho.univ-paris5.fr/feel/?page_id=691


You may (or may not) have noticed that Pete Mandik and Richard Brown (me) have started a podcast, called SpaceTimeMind, where we talk about tax law updates for 2014, uh, I mean, er, we talk about space and time and mind! The first episode is up now (and has been …

Rosenthal's Challenge to Phenomenal Concepts

[cross-posted at Philosophy Sucks!]  Like I don’t have enough going on over at this year’s Online Consciousness Conference (which is still in session until Friday March 1st) I have been sitting in on David Rosenthal’s class at the Graduate Center on Mental Qualities (previous post here). Today he presented an …

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