The Interpersonal Self

In part three of Self and Other, which carries the title The Interpersonal Self, I return to the earlier established contrast between the experiential self and the normatively enriched and narratively extended self. We are here dealing with two notions placed at each end of a scale. On the one …

Empathetic Understanding

Today I will continue my discussion of Self and Other, and move on to the second part of the book which carries the title Empathic Understanding. My defence of a minimalist conception of experiential selfhood doesn’t merely target no-self accounts, but also the kind of social constructivism according to which …

Distal Touch, Exploratory Action, and the Use of Tools

Touch seems like a paradigm contact sense. In order to experience things through touch it seems necessary that we be in direct contact with them. I argue that this is false. We can and often do experience things not in direct (or even apparent) contact with our bodies. We do …

Touch and Bodily Awareness

Active or haptic touch typically involves externally directed experiences of things in the world. We experience through touch tables, chairs, breezes, cups, dogs, microwaves, even other people. Such experiences are directed at ordinary material objects and their properties, just like vision is typically directed at external objects and their features …

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