Karen Yan on ​Causal Investigative Strategies in Neurophysiology

The next Neural Mechanisms webinar is Friday (22nd) 8-10 Greenwich Mean Time: Karen YAN (National Yang-Ming University) presents “Evaluating the Success of Causal Investigative Strategies in Neurophysiology”. Find out about the paper and how to join the webinar in this post.

CFA: Tool Development in Experimental Neuroscience: A Science-in-Practice Workshop

Workshop Organizers: John Bickle (Mississippi State University and University of Mississippi Medical Center) Carl Craver (Washington University in St. Louis) Pensacola, Florida; Pensacola Beach Hotel To be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Alabama Philosophical Society, Hilton September 27-28, 2019 Call for Abstracts: 750 Words, Due July …

New Glasgow CSPE MSc degree course in Philosophy of Mind and Psychology

The Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience in conjunction with the Department of Philosophy and the School of Psychology at the University of Glasgow are delighted to announce their new MSc degree course in Philosophy of Mind and Psychology. We are now accepting applications for entry in September 2019. …

Symposium on Letheby and Gerrans, “Self unbound: ego dissolution in psychedelic experience”

I am delighted to announce the next symposium in our series on articles from Neuroscience of Consciousness.  Neuroscience of Consciousness is an interdisciplinary journal focused on the philosophy and science of consciousness, and gladly accepts submissions from both philosophers and scientists working in this fascinating field. We have two types …

Mind the body (5) A taxonomy of theories of ownership

In my previous posts, I described my view and replied to some objections one could make against it. Hopefully, readers will by now have a clearer idea of what conception of ownership I defend. Is it inflationary or deflationary? I am actually not sure since like many I have never …

Mind the body (4) What kind of first-personal content?

In the previous post, I argued that the feeling of ownership must be conceived of as an affective feeling. But one may wonder whether this affective feeling is not just a side-effect of the feeling of ownership, and not the feeling itself. Evolutionary significance indeed is only a consequence of ownership …

Mind the body (3) What is the experience of bodily ownership?

The claim so far is that it feels different when one is aware that a hand is one’s own and when one is not. Now one needs to explore this phenomenological difference and determine its nature. There are three ways to go from here: Bodily experiences represent only low-level sensory …

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