Remembering From the Outside: An Introduction

I want to begin by thanking John Schwenkler for the invitation to share these posts with you about my book Remembering From the Outside: Personal Memory and the Perspectival Mind (Oxford University Press). *** Towards the end of the 19th Century, a number of psychologists noted a curious feature of …

Matteo Colombo on (Mis)Computation in Computational Psychiatry

The Brains blog is excited about the next Neural Mechanisms webinar this Friday. It is free. Find information about how and when to join the webinar here: (and below).

5. A control theory of the mind

For the last day of blogging my book The Emotional Mind, I’m going to skip straight to the last chapter on mental architecture. This is where propose a control theory of the mind as a whole. It is perhaps the most ambitious and speculative chapter of a book that is …

4. What makes a social emotion?

An important aspect of emotions that is relatively neglected in both the philosophical and psychological literature is their social manifestation. There is plenty of work on empathy, the role of emotions in morality, and even a growing interest in emotional expression, but all this should be tied together with a …

3. Pain and pleasure

Today I will summarise the account of pain and pleasure provided in The Emotional Mind. This builds on the account of valent representation that I outlined yesterday. However, the first thing to note that is although valent representation is representation in a valent (i.e. positive or negative) manner, it is …

CFA: Natural Kinds in Cognitive Science

Workshop Organizers: Muhammad Ali Khalidi and Joshua Mugg York University Toronto, Canada June 27-28, 2019 Call for Extended Abstracts: up to 1000 words. Submission Deadline: February 28, 2019Notifications: April 1, 2019 What is the status of natural kinds in cognitive science? While philosophers have long been interested in natural kinds …

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